HC Deb 12 December 1911 vol 32 c2121

asked the name of the officer who was responsible for under-estimating the danger area of partially filled shells, whereby portions of shell recently fell in the town of Bembridge, Isle of Wight, doing damage to property and placing persons in peril of their lives; and what steps have been taken to prevent a recurrence of similar accidents?

Colonel SEELY

Under the practice instructions 800 yards on either side of the line of fire is considered safe for filled shell, and was therefore deemed to be an ample allowance for shell with blowing charges. As I have already explained, the question of increasing this safety zone is being carefully considered to prevent any possible recurrence of such an incident. It is considered that the officers superintending the practice were not to blame.


Were they Territorials or Regulars?

Colonel SEELY

There are Regular officers, with Regular soldiers firing, so I understand.