HC Deb 11 December 1911 vol 32 cc1889-91

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that Thomas Cousins, Kenmare, has applied to be allowed to purchase his holding on the Lansdowne estate on the same terms as the other tenants who have purchased; and whether the Estates Commissioners will take steps to secure that his application is complied with?


The holdings on this estate in respect of which purchase agreements were lodged with the Estates Commissioners under the Act of 1903 were sold direct by the owner to the tenants. No purchase agreement has been lodged in respect of the lands referred to, and the Commissioners have no compulsory powers in the matter.


asked whether the Congested Districts Board were now prepared to complete the purchase of the Colomb estate, near Cahirciveen?


The Congested Districts Board cannot yet say whether they will purchase this estate, which is now being inspected.

Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary whether in the distribution of the lands of the Pollock estate, county Galway, the Estates Commissioners granted Father Geraghty, parish priest, Crosswell, president of the Glynsk and Crosswell branches of the United Irish League, who acted for the tenants during the negotiations for the sale of the property, Skehard House and the home farm, and the Roman Catholic curate at Glynsk an additional six acres of the property to his house and other holding; whether it is the practice of the Estates Commissioners to make allotments to parish priests; and, if so, can he state the acreage owned by them in Ireland?


This house and demesne were not allotted to Canon Geraghty, but were resold to the vendor of the estate under Section 3 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, and were vested in him in pursuance of the provisions of that Section. No advance has been sanctioned to the Roman Catholic curate, but three plots, comprising some 10 acres, have, on the resale of the property, been sold to the Diocesan Trustees, two of the plots being for national school teachers' residences, and the third an addition to the holding occupied by the local clergy. Where the Commissioners allot sites for teachers' residences or schools on estates purchased by them the allotments are vested in trustees, of whom the parish priest or the rector is usually one. The Commissioners have no separate record of the number of cases in which this has been done.


asked when the estate of Francis Boxwell, Esq., Butlerstown Castle, will be vested in the tenants?


This estate is being sold direct to the tenants by the owner under the Irish Land Act, 1903. It is on the principal register of direct sales, and, having regard to the claims of other estates, the Estates Commissioners are not at present in a position to say when it will be reached.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners have purchased the Blackburne estate, situate at Footstown Great, country Meath; and, if so, when would a distribution scheme be prepared?


The Estates Commissioners have not yet acquired this property, but are in negotiation with the owner.