HC Deb 11 December 1911 vol 32 c1888

asked the Chancellor of of the Exchequer if he is able to state that no applications for posts under the proposed national insurance scheme will be invited or considered, or any appointments made, by the Insurance Commissioners until particulars of the posts to be filled have been published, and such information regarding duties and qualifications as can be given has been publicly announced as being available, on request, to intending applicants?

The CHANCELLOR of the EXCHEQUER (Mr. Lloyd George)

I am hoping to lay a White Paper on the Table in a few days giving information as to such arrangements as can at this early stage be decided upon, pending a careful consideration of the whole of their problem by the Commissioners when the Bill has passed into law.


May we take it that Members of Parliament will have no influence whatever with these appointments?


That is one of the things that will be stated—that there will be no political considerations. It will deprecate pressure by Members of Parliament.


May we take it that no appointments will be made meantime, until the White Paper is issued?


I cannot say whether two or three clerks may not be appointed for immediate purposes, but I think that my hon. Friend may take it that there will be no really important appointments made at all.