HC Deb 08 December 1911 vol 32 cc1874-5

Resolution reported, That for the purposes of any Act of the present Session relating to Finance it is expedient that the old Sinking Fund for the financial year ending the thirty-first day of March, nineteen hundred and eleven, may be applied—

  1. (a) to the extent of one million five hundred thousand pounds for the purpose of the development fund under The Development and Road Improvement Funds Act, 1909; and
  2. (b) to the extent of one million five hundred thousand pounds for the purpose of the provision of sanatoria and other institutions for the treatment of tuberculosis or such other diseases as the Local Government Board, with the approval of the Treasury, may appoint; and
  3. (c) to the extent of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds for the purpose of an advance to the Government of the East Africa Protectorate;
and that such an advance may be made by the Treasury.

Resolution agreed to.

Whereupon Mr. SPEAKER, pursuant to the Order of the House of 24th October, proposed the Question, "That this House do now adjourn."