HC Deb 08 December 1911 vol 32 cc1839-40

(1) Where Post Office business is carried on in any shop in addition to any other business, this Act shall apply to that shop subject to the following modifications:—

  1. (a) So far as relates to the transaction of Post Office business—
    1. (i.) the provisions of this Act relating to the closing of shops on Sunday shall not apply to that shop; and
    2. (ii.) no closing order made by a local authority shall apply to that shop:
  2. (b) If the shop is a telegraph office Part II. of this Act shall not apply to the shop so far as relates to the transaction of Post Office business thereat:
  3. (c) Where the Postmaster - General certifies that the exigencies of the postal service require that Post Office business should be transacted in any such shop at times when under the provisions of this Act relating to the weekly half-holiday the shop would be required to be closed, or under conditions not authorised by this Act, the shop shall for the purpose of the transaction of Post Office business be exempted from the provisions of this Act to such extent as the Postmaster-General may certify to be necessary for the purpose:
Provided that in such cases the Postmaster-General shall make the best arrangements that the exigencies of the postal service allow with a view to the conditions of employment of the persons employed being on the whole not less favourable than those secured by this Act.

(2) Save as aforesaid, nothing in this Act shall apply to Post Office business, or to any premises in which Post Office business is transacted.

Amendments made: In Sub-section (1), leave out paragraph (a).

In Sub-section (1), paragraph (b), leave out the words "Part II. of this Act," and insert the words "the obligation to close on the weekly half-holiday."—[Mr. Churchill.]