HC Deb 09 August 1911 vol 29 c1132

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he would state for how many torpedo-boat destroyers provision had been made in the British and German programmes from 1901–2 to 1910–11 respectively, and how many of these had designed speeds of thirty knots or more and under thirty knots; whether British destroyers were equal to the German in fuel capacity; and whether he would state what compensating advantages had been secured in return for the surrender of speed?


As regards the British Navy, provision has been made in this period for 132 destroyers, of which 18 have a designed speed of 30 knots or more. This number does not include 36 vessels originally classed as destroyers, but now classed as torpedo boats, nor does it include three vessels built for service in New. Zealand. In the German shipbuilding programmes for the years 1901–2 to 1911–12 inclusive, provision has been made for 90 destroyers. We have no official information as to the designed speeds and fuel capacity of these vessels, and therefore no comparison such as is asked for in the second and third parts of the question can be made.


Does the right hon. Gentleman really mean to tell us that the Admiralty do not know the speed of the German destroyers?


I can add nothing to what I have stated.