Mr. TYSON WILSONasked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that a considerable increase of staff has been asked for by the authorities at the Southwestern District Office to the extent of fifty-two postmen and several sorters; and, seeing that during the week ended 22nd July 36,371 letters were delayed at 1141 that office and 65,050 were despatched un-examined owing to insufficiency of staff to deal with this correspondence, although on his own showing the pressure had abated, will he state what steps he now proposes to take?
§ Mr. HERBERT SAMUELA revision of the staff of the South-Western District Office is under consideration, and steps will be taken as early as possible to adjust the force to meet the requirements of the work. According to the records kept at the South-Western District Office the correspondence excluded from the proper despatches or despatched unexamined was considerably less than that stated in the hon. Member's question, and, moreover, the correspondence included a large number of circulars. Very few of the letters would actually sustain delay in delivery. Although the abnormal pressure of work at the South-Western District Office had somewhat abated by the middle of July, there was still pressure during the week ended the 22nd July.