HC Deb 27 April 1911 vol 24 cc1951-2

asked whether two evicted tenants named, respectively, John Lawrence and James Cassidy, both of Rathmore, Portarlington, King's County, have been reinstated in their old holdings on the Warburton estate, Garryhinch, which has been sold to the tenants through the Land Judge's Court; and, in view of the fact that those tenants have been out of possession for the past six years, that their houses have fallen into dilapidation, and that they are bereft of any means, what provision, if any, has been made enable them to work their farms?


The Estates Commissioners cannot trace the receipt of any applications from John Lawrence or James Cassidy.


asked whether it is the intention of the Estates Commissioners to provide James Kennedy, evicted tenant, Army Hill, Moneygall, King's County, with an equivalent to the holding he was evicted from twenty-three years ago; and, in view of the fact that the untenanted lands on the estate known as Adamstown Upper are to be distributed among the deserving applicants in the district, will Kennedy's claim be considered?


An application was received from James Kennedy for reinstatement in a holding on the estate of Colonel Blackett, King's County, the greater part of which is now in the occupation of another tenant. Kennedy was offered a holding on another estate which he refused. His application will be further considered when the estate upon which his former holding is situate comes before the Estates Commissioners to be dealt, with under the Land Purchase Acts.


asked whether the Estates Commissioners were aware that the farm from which John Sullivan was evicted at Richfordstown, near Clonakilty, county Cork is derelict and on the hands of the landlord, Mr. Jasper Lucas; and what steps, if any, had been taken by them to reinstate the evicted tenant?


The Estates Commissioners have been informed by the owner that Sullivan's former holding is intermixed with other lands which are worked by him and which are his only means of livelihood, and he is not prepared to sell the holding. Sullivan's name has been noted for consideration in the allotment of untenanted land which may be acquired by the Commissioners