HC Deb 25 April 1911 vol 24 cc1578-9

asked if a reply has been sent to the memorial of Class 1 clerks in the Admiralty, asking to be treated in the matter of salary the same as the Class 1 clerks in the office of the Secretary to the Admiralty; if so, what is the nature of that reply; and, if the request has been refused, on what grounds is the differential treatment justified?


The considerations affecting the clerks in the secretary's office do not apply in the same degree to clerks in the other Departments of the Admiralty.


Will the right hon. Gentleman state what are the considerations in this case?


That would necessitate a description of the work of the various departments, and the information could not be given in an answer to a question.


asked if the work performed by the Class 1 clerks in the office of the Secretary to the Admiralty is of a more important nature than that done by Class 1 clerks in the other departments of the Admiralty; if not, why is a difference made in the salaries of clerks of the same class in the several departments of the Admiralty; and if it is intended to maintain this difference?


I presume my hon. Friend's question has reference to the recent restoration to the Junior Class 1 clerks in the Secretary's Department of the initial scale of salary of £200–£500. Only two departments of the Admiralty are at the present time being recruited from the Class 1 examination, namely, the Secretariat and the Transport Department, and in their case the undoubted superior importance of the work in the Secretary's Department and the consequent greater responsibility of the directing staff, justify the distinction.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that last week the Parliamentary Secretary to the Admiralty stated that the only reason why the first class clerks' salaries had been raised was owing to the fact that a similar rise had taken place in two other departments?


I did not see the answer to the question, but I shall be happy to discuss it with the hon. Member.