HC Deb 24 April 1911 vol 24 c1366

asked what are the conditions as to age limit and health qualifications for service in the Veteran Reserve; and what objects this Reserve is expected to fulfil?

Colonel SEELY

The Veteran Reserve is a register of trained officers and men organised under the auspices of the county associations, and encouraged by the military authorities with a view to increasing the military resources for national defence. I am sending the hon. and gallant Member a copy of the Provisional Regulations issued last May, and the memorandum subsequently issued to the county associations, which explains in greater detail their position and qualifications, and the probable methods of utilising their services.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Crimean and Indian Mutiny veterans have been advised to join the Veteran Reserve if they wish to secure places in the procession? What use will they be to the military resources of this country?

Colonel SEELY

I do not know anything about that, but I do know it is hoped that all classes of men will join the Veteran Reserve for social purposes, apart from national defence, as explained by my Noble Friend in this House.


What have social purposes to do with national defence?

Colonel SEELY

I think everyone who knows the working of our military institutions knows that they have a great deal to do with it.

NEW MEMBER SWOKN.—John Deans Hope, esquire, for the County of Haddington.