HC Deb 20 April 1911 vol 24 cc1044-5
Captain FABER

asked the Home Secretary whether his attention has been called to the Mormon campaign; whether Mormon missionaries are making house-to- house calls in Chesterfield and offering money bribes to girls to emigrate; and whether he contemplates any action against the Mormons?


I am informed that tracts have been distributed at houses in Chesterfield by Mormons, but that no instance is known to the police of the offer of money bribes to emigrate. As I have already stated, the whole question is receiving consideration, and if the hon. and gallant Member has any definite information, I shall be glad if he will communicate it to me.

Captain FABER

Is it not possible to include Mormons in the Aliens Act?


That is a very difficult question, and if the hon. and gallant Gentleman will look into the matter he will realise that it is not so simple as it seems at first sight.

Captain FABER

Is it not the fact that no law can touch them, unless they really practice polygamy in this country?


There is very wide toleration of opinion in this country, and it is only when those opinions merge into action contrary to the law that the law can step in.


Has the right hon. Gentleman received any information from the Foreign Office with regard to the expulsion of Mormons from Germany?


They can do a great many things by police action in Germany which we cannot do in this country, and to do which I do not propose to ask the House to give me powers.