HC Deb 19 April 1911 vol 24 c874

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his inability to state the number of persons who have returned schedules giving the amounts of their incomes liable for Super-tax, and the number of persons who are liable for payments of Super-tax for the financial year 1909–10, and the amount of Super-tax collectable for that period, is due to want of sufficient clerical assistance in the Treasury, or, if not due to this cause, to what cause it is due?


Owing to the delay in the passing of the Finance (1909–10) Act, 1910, no final figures for the year 1909–10 are available as regards the Super-tax. Later on my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer will be in a position to consider to what extent information obtained in connection with that tax should be made public.