HC Deb 18 April 1911 vol 24 cc620-1

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether he had now received any representations from workers, or from societies representing the interests of the workers, with regard to the Draft Order allowing makers of wearing apparel to work from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. during the months of May and June; and, if so, what was the effect of those representations?


I have received several representations from societies and leaders of girls' clubs, to the effect that the Order would increase the period of waiting before commencement of work in the case of those who travel by workmen's trains, or else make it impossible for them to take advantage of the cheap fare; that it would allow overtime to go on to 11 p.m.; that it would involve the girls returning home at an undesirably late hour, and that it would interfere with the opportunities of the girls for recreation and self-improvement. As regards the first two points, the representations are based on a misapprehension, as was pointed out by my hon. Friend, the Under-Secretary, in the Debate last Wednesday; the Order would only be wanted in places which already commence work at nine, and overtime can in no case be extended beyond ten. As regards the third point, I may observe that the Order will only operate during the two summer months. I will, however, carefully consider this and the fourth point.