§ Mr. BYLESasked the President of the Board of Education whether an instruction was issued to women inspectors in 1907 forbidding them to sign any address with reference to the Qualification of Women Bill or anything of a similar character; whether the prohibition is still in force; whether it applies to women clerks or to women in other Government Departments; and whether it applies to women only or to Civil servants of both sexes?
§ Mr. RUNCIMANWith regard to the first part of the question, instructions to the effect suggested were issued in December, 1907. The answer to the second part of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the third part of the question, I must refer my hon. Friend to the political heads of the other Departments. With regard to the last part of the question, the regulation applies, so far as the Board of Education is concerned, to members of the staff of the Board of both sexes.
§ Mr. RUNCIMANNo, Sir; it applies to officers of both sexes.