HC Deb 12 April 1911 vol 24 cc461-2

asked the Secretary to the Treasury whether he can state when the representatives of the Development Commission propose to inspect the Fife ports, notably those of Anstruther, St. Andrews, Pittenweem, and Crail, with a view to investigating the need of further financial grants; and if adequate notice of the dates of the visit can be made in order that representations may be prepared to lay before the Commissioners?


No application for a grant in aid of the development of Fife ports has at present been received by the Commissioners.


asked whether protests against the constitution of the advisory committee for fishery purposes, appointed by the Development Commissioners, have been received by the Treasury from representatives of the sea fisheries district committees, or any of them, namely, the Southern, the Eastern, the North-Eastern, the Northumberland, the Kent and Essex, the Cumberland, and from the Lancashire and Western Joint Committee, from the Yorkshire Fishery Board, from the Board of Conservators for the Wear fishery district, from the Avon and Erme Fishery Board (Devon), or from the Howey Fishery District Committee; and, if so, whether any action has been taken upon them?


Copies of resolutions expressing dissatisfaction with the composition of the Advisory Committee on Fishery questions appointed by the Development Commissioners have been received from the following bodies:—

  1. 1 Lancashire and Western Sea Fisheries Joint Committee.
  2. 2 Eastern Sea Fishery Joint Committee.
  3. 3 Devon Sea Fisheries Committee.
The Treasury have received similar protests from:—
  1. 1 The Cornwall Sea Fisheries Committee.
  2. 2 The Kent and Essex Sea Fisheries Committee.
  3. 3 The Devon Sea Fisheries Committee.
These have been acknowledged. No other action has been taken. The hon. Member was also good enough to send me resolutions on behalf of nine different bodies.