HC Deb 12 April 1911 vol 24 cc453-4

asked the names of the cruisers purchased by Canada for the Pacific and Atlantic stations; what was the date of their launching; whether they will have their complement of torpedo destroyers and submarines; whether the salaries of the officers are to be paid by the Dominion Government; whether Canada will recruit her own men for this unit; and whether she will establish training schools for officers, and, if so, where and at what time?


The names of the cruisers purchased by Canada are the "Rainbow" and "Niobe." The "Rainbow" was launched in 1891, and the "Niobe" in 1897. I might add here that these cruisers are manned mainly by officers and men lent from the Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Reserve. As regards destroyers and submarines, the larger plan for a Canadian Fleet unit, suggested at the Imperial Conference of 1909, included the provision of six destroyers of the improved River class and three submarines. The salaries of officers are to be paid by the Dominion Government, and the Dominion will recruit her own men for her Fleet unit. With regard to the last part of the question, a college was opened at Halifax in January last.