HC Deb 06 April 1911 vol 23 c2421

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, when arriving at the average wages of any person working for hire in a rural district for twelve months, as required by Section 93 of the Irish Land Act, 1903, amending the Labourers Acts, the inspectors of the Local Government Board accept as the basis of their calculations 365 times 2s. 6d, or fifty-two times 15s.; and can he state what were the intentions of the Government of the day in this respect when the Clause in question was considered in Committee of this House?


The Local Government Board are not aware that the question whether the total wages earned by applicants for cottages in the year should be divided by 365 or 313 to find the average per day, or by fifty-two to find the average per week, has ever been closely examined by their inspectors. The applicant is usually asked what are his weekly wages, and, according as he works six or seven days, the average per day is at once ascertained. It was stated in Committee on behalf of the Government on 8th July, 1903, that it was the average daily wage that was intended.