HC Deb 06 April 1911 vol 23 cc2419-20
Colonel YATE

asked whether, seeing that the Imperial questions of common interest which are to be brought up at the coming Imperial Conference cannot be adequately discussed without the share of India being at the same time considered, especially in the case of questions concerning combination for Imperial defence, and in view of the fact that the Premier of New Zealand has stated that he intends to bring up at the Conference the question of an Imperial Navy, the Government will consider the advisability of the direct representation of the Government of India by their own representatives, and also by expert opinion to determine the interests and the share of India in Imperial Naval defence.

The SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Harcourt)

Under the Resolution with regard to the Constitution of the Conference agreed to at the last Conference only Ministers can be members of the Conference, and the Secretary of State for India will attend when his presence is required.