HC Deb 05 April 1911 vol 23 cc2215-6

asked the Attorney-General for Ireland, whether he is aware that a man named Moclair, a paid employé of the Government, was one of the ringleaders at the Crossmolina riot in August last.; whether he failed to answer the summons charging him with firing a revolver in the public streets, and was it with his consent and authority that no application was made that a warrant should issue for his arrest in default of appearance; was this person summoned a short time previously for another offence, and had he to publicly apologise for his conduct in order to evade a penalty which would deprive him of this position of emolument under the Treasury, and, further, did he on the day of the Crossmolina riot smash a plate-glass window belonging to a respectable trader in the town; were any proceedings instituted by the Crown for this offence; and if not, why not?


I refer the hon. Member to my answer on this subject to the hon. Member for Cork City on 30th March. The man Moclair referred to is not, as I am informed in any sense, an employé of the Government. Personally I did not advise on the prosecution of Moclair for firing the revolver, and the magistrates at the hearing acted on their own responsibility. I understand on a previous occasion Moclair was summoned for language of incitement in connection with an eviction, but having expressed his regret before the magistrates and undertaking not to use such language again the matter was allowed to drop. The police did not witness the breaking of the window by Moclair at Crossmolina, but the owner of the house brought a prosecution for the offence, and the case was settled by payment by Moclair of a sum equal to the damage.


Will the right hon. Gentleman explain why, as Law Officer, he instituted prosecutions for riot and for conspiracy in the Bantry cases, and not in the Crossmolina case?


I think that on the occasion referred to, namely, 30th March, I gave a sufficient answer.


Is not the smashing of a plate-glass window a criminal offence, and was it not the duty of the police authorities to institute a prosecution?


It was equally open to the person affected to bring a prosecution, and he brought it.


The right hon. Gentleman has said that this gentleman is not an employé of the Government. Is he not a pension officer receiving Government pay?


The information I get from the police is that he is not. I understand that his position is that of county secretary to the pensions committee.


He has been recently promoted.