HC Deb 04 April 1911 vol 23 cc1992-3

asked the Secretary to the Treasury (1) why Hugh Conaghan, an inmate of the Dunfanaghy workhouse, was not allowed the pension at the same time as the other inmates, 6th January, 1911; and what was the nature of the objection to him, seeing that it was not on the ground of age; (2) Why the pension of 5s. a week granted to John Diver, in the Dunfanaghy workhouse infirmary, was withdrawn at the end of last year; why was an appeal lodged in this case and by whose instructions, seeing that Diver was getting the pension since the inception of the Act, and also since his admission to the workhouse had paid the full cost of his in-maintenance; and will he give the necessary instructions for the restoration of the pension; and (3) why the pension has not been restored to Daniel Boyle, an inmate of the Dunfanaghy workhouse, in view of the fact that the clerk to the guardians wrote to the pension officer on the 22nd ultimo to the effect that Boyle was prepared to pay the cost of his in-maintenance in the workhouse; and will he give the necessary directions so that Boyle may again receive the pension?


I am making inquiries into these cases, and will in due course inform the hon. Member of the result.