HC Deb 04 April 1911 vol 23 c1999

asked whether the Board of Agriculture are in touch with the Cheshire Milk Association regarding the negotiations between the association and the Dutch Government to prevent Dutch cheese being sold as Cheshire in this country; and whether they have brought their influence to bear in the usual official channels requesting the British Government to use its influence to get the Dutch Government to accede to the request that Dutch cheese should be marked as Dutch?


The Board are cognisant of the communications between Dutch cheese-makers and the Cheshire Milk Association, but I understand there have been no official negotiations between the Netherlands Government and the Cheshire Milk Association to which the hon. Member refers. At present the Board do not think that official representations should be made to the Netherlands Government. In the meantime any misrepresentation of the place of origin of the cheese in question can be dealt with under the Merchandise Marks Acts.