HC Deb 21 May 1910 vol 116 cc357-8
17. Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

asked what are the total profits at present available for the Royal Navy from the Army and Navy Canteen Board; how this money will be dealt with; and will the men of the Royal Navy participate in any way?


In addition to the proportion of profits paid over in the form of rebate to tile respective ships' and barracks' funds which are administered by the canteen committees, the net trading balance on the first year's operations, namely, up to 31st December, 1917, of the Navy and Army Canteen Board was £531,095 8s. 8d, of which the allocation to the Navy side was £ 33,141. The balance sheet for the second year of trading, namely, to 31st December, 1918, has not yet been completed and audited. The annual trading balance has to be applied, in the first instance, to the repayment of the original Treasury loan on which the organisation was started, and these surplus profits will not be available for disposal until this loan has been cleared off. This has been notified to the Fleet in Admiralty Orders. At present, therefore, there is no sum at the Admiralty's disposal, but when any sum is available it is the intention of the Admiralty that the views of the men of the Fleet shall be obtained in the matter of its utilisation, and no steps will be taken to allocate the money until their wishes have been consulted. This will be explained clearly to the Fleet in a further Admiralty Order showing the results of trading for the first six months of the year 1918.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Will the men who joined for hostilities only be considered when this matter is discussed?


It is difficult to give an affirmative answer to that because they will not be with the fleet which will be consulted. I do not see very well how that could be done. Perhaps my hon. and gallant Friend would put a question.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Will their lordships consider the case of the "hostilities only" men?


I will put that.