HC Deb 07 May 1910 vol 17 cc782-3

It having pleased Almighty God to take to His mercy Our late Most Gracious Sovereign Lord King Edward of blessed memory, who departed this life yesterday between the hours of eleven and twelve of the clock In the evening, at Buckingham Palace.

At Three of the clock the House met pursuant to The Succession to the Crown Act, 1707.

Several Members came into the House.

THE CLERK OF THE HOUSE (Sir Courtenay Ilbert): I have to inform the House of the unavoidable absence of Mr. Speaker and Mr. Deputy-Speaker.


addressing himself to the Clerk (who, standing up, pointed to him and then sat down): Sir Courtenay Ilbert, the House is assembled this afternoon in pursuance of the Statute of Anne, which regulates the proceedings consequent on the demise of the Crown. There being no business before us, and in the unavoidable absence of Mr. Speaker, it is my duty to move that this House do now adjourn.

The Clerk, by direction of the House, put the Question for adjourning the House.

And the House adjourned accordingly at Two minutes after Three of the clock, till Monday next (9th May), at a Quarter before Three of the clock.