HC Deb 23 March 1910 vol 15 c1031

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he was aware that the small cruisers of the "Boadicea" class were termed unarmoured cruisers in the Navy Estimates for 1909–10 and 1910–11, and unprotected cruisers in the Dilke Return of Fleets for last year; that the five cruisers it was proposed to commence in the coming financial year were called unarmoured cruisers in the detailed Estimates and protected cruisers in the Statement Explanatory; and whether he would clear up the apparent inconsistency by stating whether the proposed new ships would be protected or unprotected cruisers?


Two vessels will be unarmoured cruisers of the "Boadicea" type; the design of the other three has not yet been settled, but it is probable that they will be of the protected type.