HC Deb 21 March 1910 vol 15 cc746-7

asked what steps had been taken to give effect to the resolution which was unanimously adopted by the Colonial Conference of 1907 in regard to naturalisation laws within the Empire; what were the results of the inquiry called for; and whether any date had been fixed for the subsidiary conference contemplated in that resolution?

Colonel SEELY

An Inter-departmental Committee was appointed to assist His Majesty's Government in considering what amendments might properly be made in the draft Naturalisation Bill laid before the Colonial Conference of 1907, with a view to meeting the criticisms made on the Bill. The Committee reported in July, 1908, and their report was forwarded to the Governments represented at the Conference, with a suggestion that it should be considered and representatives appointed to discuss the question in conference with the members of the Inter-departmental Committee on behalf of His Majesty's Government with a view to a final settlement. Replies have not yet been received from all the Governments concerned, and the matter is still forming the subject of correspondence. Till the correspondence is complete a date cannot be fixed for the subsidiary Conference.