HC Deb 17 March 1910 vol 15 cc507-8
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary whether the Government had any powers in connection with the appointments made by boards of guardians in Ireland; if so, if any notice had been taken of the recent appointment of a matron for the Sligo infirmary; whether he was aware that there were eight candidates, mostly duly qualified nurses; whether they were all passed over in favour of a lady who was not a trained nurse; and if the Local Government Board intended to take action?


No appointment such as is mentioned in the question has been made by the board of guardians in connection with the workhouse infirmary of the Sligo Union. If, however, the hon. Member refers to the county infirmary, I have no official information as to the appointment of a matron in that institution, nor have I any responsibility with regard to it.

Captain CRAIG

Have the Local Government Board no jurisdiction at all over the appointments?


The workhouse appointments are subject to sanction by the Local Government Board, but the county infirmaries are managed under an Act of Parliament, and we have no control over them whatever.

Captain COOPER

Has anybody control over these institutions which are subsidised from the rates?


I am not prepared to answer for anybody but myself and the Irish Government. We have no responsibility for them whatever.