HC Deb 17 March 1910 vol 15 c526

asked the President of the Board of Education whether, having regard to the statement in the prefatory Memorandum to last year's Code that the Board were carefully considering the question of developing all forms of manual instruction in correlation with the other parts of the curriculum, he could state what progress had been made with a view to such development and correlation; whether any Committee had been appointed to consider that question; and, if so, whether any Report containing the recommendations of the Committee would be published?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of EDUCATION (Mr. Runciman)

I believe that good experimental work is being done both under Rule 36 (2) of Schedule III. of the Code for 1909 and in the extension of various forms of manual work in many schools, and I am carefully watching the progress made. The hon. Member is, I think, aware that in 1908 I requested a Committee of His Majesty's Inspectors to consider the matter and advise me. Their report was confidential and not intended for publication, but I hope to publish portions of the report which are of general interest at an early date.