HC Deb 15 March 1910 vol 15 cc173-4

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if the Kaffirs working in the various mines in South Africa were working under the conditions to which the Chinese labourers were subject; and, if not, could he state the difference in the conditions of labour?

The UNDER-SECRETARY for the COLONIES (Colonel Seely)

Kaffirs working in the mines are not, as the Chinese were, imported into the country under special legislation imposing special disabilities with regard to residence, labour and property, nor are they liable to be treated, if they leave the Witwatersrand district, as being practically in the position of outlaws.


Is it not the case that the Kaffirs in the mines in the Transvaal are housed less adequately than the Chinese were and that a great many Kaffirs are now better housed because they are occupying habitations that the Chinese were assigned?

Colonel SEELY

I have been asked what is the difference in the terms of service, and I have pointed out in reply to the question that the Kaffirs were under the ordinary law and the Chinese were under special restrictive laws. With regard to the houses they occupy, no doubt it is the fact that some Kaffirs are housed where the Chinese used to live before they were sent away.