HC Deb 10 March 1910 vol 14 cc1633-4
Mr. POYNTER (for Mr. Ramsay Mac-donald)

asked the President of the Board of Education whether his attention has been drawn to a memorandum issued by the National Association of Teachers of the Deaf, complaining that the regulations issued in 1909 inflict injustice on old teachers; whether the Board has considered this memorandum; and whether it proposes to modify the provisions, so that teachers that have been serving for a certain number of years may be exempt from disqualifications applying to the promotion of assistants and the transference of head teachers from one school to another?


The memorandum referred to has come into my hands for the first time to-day, and I have not yet had time to consider it. The Board had, however, previously received a communication on the subject from the Council of Headmasters of Institutions for the Deaf, and they are considering the desirability of including in the next issue of the Regulations a provision to the effect that teachers of the deaf who have been so engaged for a certain period, but do not possess the qualifications prescribed by the regulations for head teachers, shall not on that account alone be debarred from promotion to headships.