HC Deb 09 March 1910 vol 14 cc1465-6

asked the Postmaster-General whether he was aware that in many cases the mounted rural postmen employed by contractors were not allowed to finish their duties at an early hour on Bank Holidays, as was the case with the mounted rural postmen employed direct by his Department; and whether he would make representations to the contractors concerned, with a view to extending to their employés the same privileges as were enjoyed under the Post Office?


The men referred to by the hon. Member as mounted rural postmen employed by contractors are the drivers of mail carts, run under contract, for the conveyance of mail bags. I fear it would not be practicable to arrange generally for mail carts to return on Bank Holidays at an early hour without causing considerable public inconvenience. As a rule, they serve offices of greater importance than those included in rounds of the mounted rural postmen of the Department, and the hours of the post at those places are generally the same on Bank Holidays as on ordinary week days, whereas in smaller places served by postmen, mounted or otherwise, the, night mail collection is often made on Bank Holidays shortly after the morning delivery has been completed. If, however, the hon. Member will furnish particulars of any cases in which he thinks there will be no public objection to the alteration, I shall be happy to consider them.