HC Deb 09 March 1910 vol 14 c1455

asked whether reforms had recently been sanctioned in the constitution of the Legislative Council of Ceylon recognising for the first time the principle of an elective franchise; and whether the Government would lay Papers on the subject on the Table?


also asked what changes had recently been made in the constitution of the Legislative Council of Ceylon; whether it was proposed to introduce an elected element into the Council in respect of the Tamil, Singhalese, and Mahomedan populations, respectively; and whether he would lay Papers on the subject?


I will answer together this question and question No. 17, standing in the name of my hon. Friend the Member for West St. Pancras. It is proposed to introduce an elected element into the Legislative Council of Ceylon. In future there will be two members elected by the European community, one by the burghers, and one by native Ceylonese who have attained a certain standard of education. It is not considered possible at present to introduce the principle of election for the members who represent the Singhalese, Tamils and Mahomedens, and these members will continue to be nominated by the Governor. Papers will be laid shortly.