HC Deb 02 March 1910 vol 14 cc845-6

asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention had been called to the effects, amounting to prohibition, which would be caused to the trade in high-grade steels and engineers' tools from Sheffield to France by the proposed new French tariff; and, if so, what steps he was taking to bring his influence to bear on the French Government, with a view to the rejection or modification of the proposals?


When the Tariff proposals of the Customs Committee of the French Chamber of Deputies were first made public, the attention of the Board of Trade was drawn inter alia to the serious effect which the proposed duties on high grade steels and engineers' tools would have on the trade between this country and France. The views of the Sheffield Chamber of Commerce were brought to the notice of the French Government. The Customs Tariff Bill, as passed by the Chamber of Deputies, made modifications, on the whole, of a favourable character, in the original proposals of the Customs Committee, but I am aware that the modified duties still give rise to apprehensions, and the views of those concerned have again been brought before the French Government. The Tariff Bill has yet to be considered by the French Senate.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether, with a view to being in a position to negotiate in cases of this kind, he is considering the advisability of establishing a tariff in this country?


That does not arise out of the question.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the export trade in plated goods is also very seriously menaced, and, further, whether he can suggest any means of persuading the French Government to vary these duties besides that suggested by my hon. Friend?


This matter is under the consideration of the French Government. Representations have been made to them, and I feel confident they will desire to meet us in as favourable a way as they can.


Is there any means of enforcing those representations?

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