HC Deb 01 March 1910 vol 14 c746

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he was aware that a mine-owning company in North Ayrshire, who were also large shareholders in a mine-owners' mutual insurance company, recently refused to pay compensation under the Workmen's Compensation Act to a young miner who had been injured in their employment; that they ultimately, under pressure, paid the compensation due, and that thereafter, although work was plentiful and the miner had been in their service for more than twelve years, they dismissed him on the ground that the said insurance company, in which it was understood they had a controlling interest, would not insure him; that numerous other cases of a similar character had occurred in Ayrshire and other parts of Scotland; that men making successful claims for compensation were marked, and, in order to earn their livelihood, were forced to seek employment under assumed names; and if he proposed to introduce legislation dealing with this state of things?


I have no information regarding the case referred to in the question, nor have I evidence before me to show that such a practice as suggested exists to any considerable extent. The question, however, was brought to my notice, with other questions touching the working of the Compensation Act, by the deputation which my hon. Friend, the Under-Secretary of State, received the other day on my behalf from the Parliamentary Committee of the Trade Union Congress, and will receive my consideration.