HC Deb 23 June 1910 vol 18 cc496-8

asked whether it is the intention of the Board of Education no longer to recognise the Towyn Church school, Merionethshire; if so, for what reasons; and on what date will the recognition cease, and what opportunity will be given for managers to appeal?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. The Board's reasons for so deciding were that the school appeared to them to be unnecessary in view of the following facts: (1) For the past two Grant years the average attendance has been not more than twenty; (2) ample accommodation is provided in the other schools of the area; (3) the closure of the Church school and the transference of the children into the council schools in the area will make for the economy of the rates, and will serve the interests of secular education. The managers had made full representations to the Board before the Board's decision was taken. The school will be removed from the Annual Grant List on 30th June.

Mr. ORMSBY-GORE (for Mr. Bridge-man)

asked what is the accommodation and average attendance in the Towyn Church school and council school, respectively, for the month of May, 1910; and whether the Towyn Council school has been condemned by the medical officer of health?


The recognised accommodation in the Towyn Church school is 104. I am informed that the average attendance for the month of May was 57.2. The accommodation in the mixed council school is 164 and in the adjoining infants' council school, in which two classes of the mixed school are taught, 150. I cannot at present state what was the average attendance in these two schools for the month of May, but I understand that in the preceding month it was about 220. I understand that the medical officer of health some time ago called attention to certain defects in the premises of the mixed school, which the local education authority are taking steps to remedy. He has not at any period condemned the school so far as I am aware.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether there is any other accommodation in the district for children requiring education in the principles of the Church of England, or whether they will be totally deprived of the facility?


I cannot say whether they will be totally deprived. I can only say in Towyn itself there has been a Church school, with an average attendance of under twenty, and there is a Council school where at present the attendance is 220.


What provision is there for the education of those twenty?


Has not the attendance in the Church school improved?


I said the attendance in the month of May was 57.2, and in the two previous grant years it was under twenty.


Does not that show that the attendance is gradually increasing?


I think the Noble Lord is as capable as I am of knowing that fifty-seven is more than twenty.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Church of England is growing very rapidly in Towyn?


Does 30th June mean this day week, and, if so, what notice has been given to the managers of the intention to close the school?


Yes, 30th June does mean this day week. The notice was given to the managers some little time ago. I cannot say exactly when, but about four or five weeks ago.