HC Deb 23 June 1910 vol 18 c469
Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether the Estates Commissioners had awarded Mr. John Coleman, a member of the Limerick County Council, Style Park Mansion and thirty acres of enclosed and wooded demesne land in Bruree; whether Mr. Coleman was already the possessor of a large grazing farm; and what reasons led the Commissioners to grant this additional land to the exclusion of landless men in the neighbourhood?


Style Park Mansion and about eighty-five acres were advertised by the Estates Commissioners for sale by tender, subject to a land purchase annuity of £55 2s. 6d. Mr. Coleman's tender was the highest, and was accepted by the Estates Commissioners. They understand that he also holds a farm of about sixty acres. The Commissioners, in deciding on the amount of land to be sold with the mansion house, had regard to the fact that the land offered for sale had been previously included in the demesne and comprised plantations which, in the opinion of the Commissioners, should be preserved with the residence. Some 270 acres of land formerly used in connection with the mansion have been divided by the Estates Commissioners into allotments.