HC Deb 22 June 1910 vol 18 cc357-8
Captain CRAIG

asked whether the Chief Secretary is aware that since the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland appointed a new district inspector to Circuit 8 B in August, 1909, his reports on the majority of schools show a serious decline of proficiency; whether he can ascertain from the Commissioners if this is to be attributed to inefficiency on the part of the teachers or to the methods of inspection adopted by the new inspector; whether he is aware that, owing to the high standard of proficiency demanded by him compared with other circuits, comparatively few schools have been described as very good or excellent by him, and that the great majority of teachers eligible for increments in this circuit have suffered loss through these reports in the past three years and teachers not eligible for increments through the operation of standard principles in the grades have not suffered so adversely in their reports; whether the Commissioners are aware that teachers looking forward for the award of increments are more energetic and enthusiastic in the discharge of their duties, and consequently their schools should show an improvement in proficiency rather than the decline indicated in the reports of Circuit 8 B; whether, where unfair reports have been given and managers have obtained a re-examination of their schools, the chief inspector, by his action in confirming the district inspector's reports, has rendered the right of appeal in this circuit nugatory; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter?


The inspector in question was appointed to circuit 8 B in August, 1907. The Commissioners of National Education have no reason to believe that his reports do not represent fairly the condition of the national schools in that circuit, and they inform me that there is no foundation for the allegation made in the question with regard to the action of the chief inspector. If any instance of alleged hardship or unfairness is brought to the notice of the Commissioners it will be investigated.