HC Deb 20 June 1910 vol 18 c3

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention had been called to the published decision, bearing date 31st May, 1910, of five of the eight elected members of the Malta Legislative Council, to the effect that they would resign their seats not later than 14th October next unless the present state of affairs was remedied; and whether, seeing that elected members who contemplated taking such an extreme step must have had some real grievance, he would cause full inquiry to be made, to see if it would be at all possible to grant them the fuller representation they desired?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Colonel Seely)

The attention of the Secretary of State has been called to the declarations to which my hon. Friend refers. It would be a matter of regret if the elected members should carry out their intention of resigning their seats, but as it is less than a year since His Majesty's Government after a very careful review of the situation, made an important concession to the claims of the elected members by advising His Majesty to appoint two of their number to the Executive Council the Secretary of State is not prepared at present to consider the question of any further change in the Constitution.


Has the right hon. Gentleman received a letter from a prominent citizen of Valetta pointing out the reasons why the existing system is not working satisfactorily?

Colonel SEELY

I have seen a great number of letters, and I cannot know what letter my hon. Friend refers to unless he makes his meaning more specific.