HC Deb 16 June 1910 vol 17 c1472
Mr. POINTER (for Mr. Charles Duncan)

asked the Secretary of State for War whether his attention had been drawn to the case of W. Tobin, a storeman in Woolwich Arsenal for about fifteen years, who died on 11th January last after some weeks of sickness, during which he was in receipt of sick pay as allowed in the department; whether he was aware that on 11th January Tobin received a letter of discharge on the ground of medical unfitness, that shortly after Mrs. Tobin received a letter to the effect that the Treasury had decided to grant a gratuity of £18 16s. 3d., but that in consequence of Tobin's death having taken place since the application for gratuity was first submitted it would be necessary to submit the case again to the War Office; whether he was aware that on this being done a reply was received to the effect that the award previously made would have to be cancelled on the ground that the deceased man had received sick pay for the day on which he was discharged and on which he died; whether he was aware that on that day, the 11th January, Tobin did not die until 11.45 p.m., nearly seven hours after what would have been the close of his working day for which he received sick pay; and whether he would have the case reconsidered with a view to justice being done to the deceased man's widow?


This is one of the hard cases that almost inevitably arise in applying the conditions laid down by Act of Parliament. The question is engaging my attention, and I will communicate to the hon. Member the result of my investigation.