HC Deb 16 June 1910 vol 17 c1452

asked the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that the clerk of the Bridgwater Union has issued a poster giving, under the description of outdoor paupers, the names of all persons in that union in receipt of outdoor relief, with their ages, extent of their families, amount of relief, cause of relief, and other particulars, and stating that this list is circulated with a view of enabling any ratepayer to report any case which in his or her opinion is undeserving of relief; and whether he authorised the issue of such a poster?


I have had no correspondence with the guardians of the Bridgwater Union on the subject, but I may powered to circulate among the ratepayers observe that boards of guardians are em-the parochial lists which give the names of the persons in receipt of indoor and outdoor relief and various particulars concerning them.