HC Deb 15 June 1910 vol 17 cc1298-9

asked what was the average time occupied in the construction of the last twenty torpedo-boat destroyers completed for the British and German navies, respectively, reckoning from the voting of the first instalment of the cost of their construction, from the date of of the order, and from the date of laying down?


No information is available as to the dates of ordering and of laying down German destroyers, or any exact information as to the dates on which they are finally considered as completed. In the case of the last twenty destroyers for the Royal Navy, the occurrence of the engineering and shipbuilding strike caused such heavy delays that any comparison sought to be drawn in the time taken in their construction would be purely misleading. The Estimates time for completion of the destroyers of our last three programmes is twenty months, eighteen months, and eighteen months respectively.


Will the right hon. Gentleman inform the House what he means exactly by laying down a ship?


The hon. Gentleman refers to a preceding question. This does not arise out of this question.