HC Deb 13 June 1910 vol 17 c1043

asked whether there are any payments in respect of contracts or services which are due by the Government but have not yet been paid; and, if so, what is the amount of such payments due under each Vote of the Army and Navy Estimates, under the Customs and Excise, the Inland Revenue and the Post Office Estimates, and under each class of the Civil Service Estimates; and whether the proportion of the amount to the total net estimate in each case is greater or less than that obtaining at the same date in the years 1908–9; and, if so, what is the reason?


had also given notice of the following question: To ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether any receipts received by any of the public departments in the present financial year have been applied as Appropriations in Aid; if so, what is the amount up to 9th June that has been so received under each Vote of the Army and Navy Estimates, under the Customs and Excise, the Inland Revenue, and the Post Office Estimates, and under each class of the Civil Service Estimates; under what direction by Treasury Minute or otherwise has such application been made; have the moneys in question been paid into the Exchequer; to payments under what Votes have they been applied; in virtue of what statutory powers has such action been taken in each case; and what has been the total sum so applied in the present financial year as compared with the sum so applied during the same period of the financial year 1908–9?


The answers to these questions appeared in the Official Report for Friday, 10th June, columns 1011–12.