HC Deb 29 July 1910 vol 19 cc2526-8

asked the Secretary of State for War (1) whether his attention had been called to the resignation of Captain C. W. Sergison, late of the Scots Guards, from the Sussex Territorial Association, on the ground that no discretion was allowed to county associations; that even the question of hiring a drill hall for a shilling a night had to be submitted to the Army Council; that local and regimental views were ruthlessly overruled by the War Office officials; that the attitude of the Army Council towards the county associations led to a waste of time and money; whether he proposes to take any steps towards giving the county associations greater responsibility and more powers of initiative in the performance of the duties which have been entrusted to them; (2) whether he is aware that the Staffordshire County Territorial Association has passed a resolution at the end of its first term of office recording its disappointment at its failure to receive the support it was led to expect from the Army Council, complaining of continual delays in replying to questions of immediate urgency, the supervision of the smallest detail of administration, and the interference in matters which the association, on accepting office, understood that it would be left to carry out, which had hampered the association in its endeavours to provide a properly equipped force on the Grants allotted, and expressing the hope that on accepting office for a further term the county association would receive more considerate treatment; whether, having regard to the complaints made by this and other associations, he has made inquiries as to the causes from which they arise; whether he proposes to remove them; and whether he can hold out any hope to county associations that they will enjoy greater freedom and less interference from the Army Council on matters of detail during their next period of office?

The SECRETARY of STATE for WAR (Mr. Haldane)

In reply to these questions, which both raise the general question of the relations of the Army Council to the county associations, I wish to point out that the differences of opinion mainly arise in reference to schemes for providing land and buildings for the accommodation of the various units. It has been found expedient in the interests of administrative efficiency and economy to exercise more detailed criticism of the schemes than the associations have apparently understood to be necessary. But I can safely assert that every step practicable has been taken, and will be taken, to expedite the settlement of these questions. The majority of the cases have been already settled. As regards the two associations mentioned, it would appear that the Noble Lord is referring to cases of acquisition of property. In the case of Sussex, difficulties have arisen in connection with property held by trustees as to the terms on which the force should have the user. In the case of Staffordshire a great deal of additional expenditure has been approved, and the outstanding matters are comparatively insignificant.


Am I correct in saying that there have been con- tinual delays in replying to questions of immediate urgency and the supervision of the smallest details of administration?


No; that is really not quite correct. I have gone very fully into the facts, and we are passing through the stage at which these questions will necessarily arise. In six months more I expect it will be over. Divergency of opinion has led to a great deal of correspondence about matters which, in my opinion, would be much better settled by personal interview. I am attending to these matters myself in order to get things through.