HC Deb 28 July 1910 vol 19 c2337

asked the Prime Minister if he will state whether his attention has been called to the fact that, whilst the heaviest gun yet tested for the British Navy is 13.5, throwing a 1,250–1b: shell, the new German 14-inch gun is to throw a 1,600–1b. shell, and that, whilst the actual weight of a broadside fired by the heavy guns of British ships is only 147,900 lbs., that of Germany is 161,000 lbs.; if he is aware that the new German ships to carry the new 14-inch guns will be 8,000 tons heavier than the original British "Dreadnoughts"; and whether he will now consider the desirability of raising a loan of at least fifty millions spread over a term of years, with the object of placing our Fleet in a position of absolute supremacy?

The FIRST LORD of the ADMIRALTY (Mr. McKenna)

I cannot accept responsibility for the accuracy of the figures given in the hon. Gentleman's question. In any case, as the maintenance of the supremacy of our Fleet must be regarded as a permanent feature in our national policy, I do not think that such temporary expedient as loans constitute the best means of giving effect to it.