HC Deb 25 July 1910 vol 19 cc1750-1

asked the Lord Advocate whether his attention had been drawn to the fact that certain clerks of the peace in Scotland have issued intimations to justices of the peace that they would be required to reaffirm the Oath of Allegiance before the end of this month; whether he sanctioned this action; and whether, in view of the inconvenience and expense to those justices living in large counties, he proposes to take any further steps in the matter?


My attention has been drawn to the action taken by certain Clerks of the Peace in Scotland referred to in my hon. Friend's question. I have no power either to sanction or to withhold my sanction from that action. Steps have been taken under the Act 3 and 4, W. IV., ch. 41 to obtain an authoritative decision by the Judicial Committee of His Majesty's Privy Council on the question whether or not it is obligatory on (amongst others) justices of the peace to take again the Oath of Allegiance and Judicial Oath on the demise a the Crown. I understand the question is being considered by the Judicial Committee to-day.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say who has the power to give instructions to these clerks of the peace in Scotland, if anyone?


I have not the power.