HC Deb 21 July 1910 vol 19 cc1441-2

asked whether, in view of the fact that a number of foreign countries are now keeping statistical records of Irish trade, he will suggest as a topic for discussion at the Colonial Conference the advisability of the various Dominions and Colonies keeping separate records of their trade with Ireland, with a view to supplying much-needed information as to the countries of ultimate destination of Irish exports?

Colonel SEELY

The matter raised by my hon. Friend is mainly of a technical character, and I am doubtful if it can be usefully discussed at the Imperial Conference. My hon. Friend will remember that it has already been referred to the Governments of the Dominion of Canada and Commonwealth of Australia, who did not see their way to making the arrangement which he desires.


As the right hon. Gentleman has a fairly open mind in this matter, will he consult the Department of Agriculture in Ireland on this matter, which is charged with the preparation of these statistics, and ascertain their views on the subject?

Colonel SEELY

By all means. The matter is rather difficult, but the arrangement of statistics in unanimity throughout the Empire is very desirable, and if anything can be done in this direction we shall be glad to do it.