HC Deb 18 July 1910 vol 19 cc871-2

informed the House that he had received the following communication expressing condolence with the British nation in the loss it had sustained by the death of His late Majesty:—


"Hungarian House of Deputies, "Budapest, 14th July, 1910.


"At the time when the sad tidings of the death of your august Sovereign, His late Majesty King Edward VII., have reached us our country found itself amid Parliamentary elections, and the new House of Deputies was not yet constituted.

"Now that Parliament has again been convoked the Hungarian House of Deputies hastens to express its deepest sympathy on the great loss sustained by Great Britain and, indeed, by the whole civilised world by the departure of your late Sovereign.

"The uprightness of heart, the loftiness of genius, and many other admirable qualities that have distinguished His late Majesty, the personal friendship which attached him to the bearer of St. Stephen's Hungarian Crown, and Hungary's profound sympathy for the great English nation, made all of us keenly feel Britain's great loss.

"I beg leave, Sir, to request you kindly to bring to the knowledge of the House of Commons the expression of the deepest condolence and sympathy of the Hungarian House of Deputies on the lamented death of His late Majesty King Edward VII.

"I have the honour to be, Sir,

"Your most obedient humble servant,


"President of the Hungarian House of Deputies.

"To the Right Hon. the Speaker of the Commons, House of Commons, London."