HC Deb 18 July 1910 vol 19 cc852-3

asked what was the total amount distributed to the Metropolitan Police by way of gratuities or special allowance for extra work or services in connection with the funeral ceremonies of His late Majesty, and if the amounts paid will be specified under any Vote which can be discussed in Committee by the House; or will this charge wholly or partly fall upon the ratepayers of London?


The extra remuneration allowed to the Metropolitan Police in connection with the funeral of His late Majesty amounted to £8,527, which has been paid from the Metropolitan Police Fund. That fund is provided partly by local rate, partly by contribution from the Local Taxation Account, and partly by a Grant from the Vote for Police (England and Wales) in respect of Imperial and national services rendered by the Metropolitan Police.


Is the Home Secretary aware that the First Commissioner of Works on Friday last stated that the total cost of His late Majesty's funeral was £40,000, and was this item included in that amount?


I do not know whether it was included in the expenses of the funeral which were considered under the Vote on Friday last. I think not. It will be a charge occurring under the ordinary head of the police.