HC Deb 14 July 1910 vol 19 c592

asked the Chief Secretary of Ireland if he proposes to introduce and pass a Bill giving to Dublin the same power to provide and maintain an art gallery as has already been granted to Belfast, and to prevent the possible loss of the admirable collection of modern art which private generosity and enterprise has secured to the metropolis of Ireland?


The difference between Belfast and Dublin is that the rate which can be struck in Dublin for the purposes of the Public Libraries (Ireland) Acts, including the provision of such a gallery, is limited by the Public Libraries Act (Ireland). 1855 to one penny in the pound, whilst in Belfast that limit has been extended by a local Act to twopence in the pound. The present art gallery in Dublin, which contains many valuable and interesting pictures which have attracted art students from all parts, owes its existence to the taste and generosity of Sir Hugh Lane, to whom most of the pictures belong. It is, in my judgment, a matter of great importance that the gallery should be placed on a permanent financial basis, and I am willing to introduce a Bill extending the penny limit in the case of all county boroughs in Ireland if I could be assured that the Bill would be treated as non-contentious. Otherwise I cannot move in the matter.