HC Deb 13 July 1910 vol 19 cc365-6

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that the amount of the Local Taxation (Customs and Excise) Residue Grant, which the local education authorities received in 1908–9 for the purposes of secondary education and technical instruction, was less than in any preceding year since 1894–5; and whether, in view of the ever-increasing demand for higher education and the difficulty of justifying the enormous expenditure upon elementary education, unless such demand can be met, he will reconsider his decision to take the year 1908–9 as a basis for the proposed fixed Grant, and in lieu thereof substitute the average amount available for the above purposes during either the previous five or the previous ten years?


My right hon. Friend does not propose to reconsider his decision in this matter. I may point out that in adopting the year 1908–9 as the basis for the proposed fixed Grant, he is giving the local authorities the benefit of the abnormal receipts from the spirit revenue of that year due to the large fore-stalments prior to the introduction of the Budget of 1909.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he is aware that the attitude of the Exchequer with regard to higher education and the Grants available for higher education is seriously prejudicing the development of secondary and technical instruction in this country?


If that is so, it cannot possibly arise because of the sum given under this Grant, for it is now over £100,000 greater than it was before.