HC Deb 07 July 1910 vol 18 c1775

asked the Under-Secretary for India what were the imports of cigarettes into India in each of the last three months compared with the same months of last year?


The comparative figures in pounds are: March, 1909, 231,700; March, 1910, 204,618; April, 1909, 283,447; April, 1910, 171,466; May, 1909, 251,293; May, 1910, 17,744. Figures for June, 1910, are not yet available. I should explain, however, that for the purpose of obtaining information as to the quantity of cigarettes that pass into consumption, on payment of duty, in each month, these figures, as they stand, are useless, since it is necesary to take into account the quantity passed into bond or taken out of bond month by month.